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Reporting for ASP.NET Core

  • 3 minutes to read

This section describes how to create, update, and customize reporting applications in ASP.NET Core.


The following topic shows how to add a report to an application: Create a Report in Visual Studio. You can add a new report or import a report from a .REPX file.

Use Reporting Components

You can use the following components in your ASP.NET Core application:

Document Viewer
The Document Viewer allows users to view, print, and export reports. The following topics describe how to add this component to your application:
Report Designer
With Report Designer, users can create, store, and modify reports. The End-User Report Designer component includes a built-in Document Viewer. See the following topic for information on how to add Report Designer to your application:

Review the following topic for code samples: ASP.NET Core Reporting Best Practices.

Features in Detail

Upgrade a Project

The following topic describes how to upgrade a project to a newer version of reporting controls:

Read Tutorial: Migration Guide

For general information on the ASP.NET Core platform, review the following topic: Globalization and localization in ASP.NET Core.

Draw Reports on Linux and MacOS

The following topic demonstrates how to use the DevExpress cross-platform drawing engine to render reports on Linux or macOS platforms:

Read Tutorial: Use Reporting on Linux and macOS

Use Docker

Refer to the following tutorial for instructions on how to dockerize (add to a Docker container) your DevExpress Reporting ASP.NET Core application: Visual Studio Tools for Docker with ASP.NET Core.

Make the following changes to the docker file configuration when you add the application to a Linux container:

FROM AS base

#Install dependencies
RUN apt-get update
RUN apt-get install -y libc6 libicu-dev libfontconfig1
See Also