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Diagram for MVC - Node and Edge data sources - How to bind the extension to in-memory data sources

The DevExpress ASP.NET MVC Diagram extension provides the Bind(object nodeDataObject, object edgeDataObject) method that allows you to load a tree or a graph structure from two data sources: the nodeDataObject for shapes and edgeDataObject for shape connectors.

While binding, the extension automatically creates shapes and connectors and retrieves their property values from the corresponding data items. The extension implements mapping properties that point to the data fields that contain the data:

You should add mapping information for a shape's Key and a connector's Key, FromKey, and ToKey properties.

The BatchUpdateRouteValues property specifies a Controller and Action that handle callbacks related to node and edge updates. When you update inserted items' data, use the MapInsertedItemKey method to provide key values for the items.

The SettingsAutoLayout property specifies the auto-layout algorithm and orientation the extension uses to build a diagram.

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Create a diagram from two data sources: for shapes and for shape connectors.





